Welcome to Ask The Duchess – Vol. 87, a monthly Q&A post covering a variety of resort-related topics. Ask The Duchess answers questions submitted by readers. If you have a question you’d like answered, send me a message here.

1. If I place a mobile order, can someone else pick it up for me? (submitted by Nora)

Yes, so long as they have your name and order #. I’ve had a friend just text me a screenshot of that info and gone to pick up the food with zero trouble.

2. If I have a breakfast reservation in California Adventure, can I still start my day in Disneyland and get let into the other park early for that meal? (submitted by Natalie)

Not with the current reservation system, no. Whatever park you select is the only park you can visit until 11 am, no exceptions for dining. So make sure you start your day in the same park as wherever you’re going to eat.

3. Where do I go for a tour? For example, the gardening/cultivating tour? (submitted by Jonathan)

There is a tour stand on Main Street USA, to the left of City Hall. Cast members there will get you checked in and on your way!

4. Does Disneyland have an equivalent of TSA pre-check for pass holders where you can get in a shorter security line? (submitted by Jodi)

Nope. There’s one security line – whether you have a Magic Key, a stroller, are traveling solo, etc.

5. What is the return policy for in-park stores? Do I need a ticket to get back in to return or can I just return it in Downtown Disney? (submitted by Karla)

If you have the original receipt, tags on the item, and there’s clearly no use/wear, you can return items within 30 days. And no, you don’t have to get another ticket to go back in; you can definitely return to World of Disney if you don’t have an additional day on your park ticket.

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