Mickey’s Toontown

Lindquist Jack O Lantern

Lindquist Jack O Lantern

Everyone knows the place to find Jack O Lanterns at Disneyland is Main Street during Halloween; they line the windows of shops, adorn balconies, and sometimes sit on restaurant tabletops. But one special pumpkin hides in Disneyland all year long, in a place you probably wouldn’t expect. Swing by Goofy’s Playhouse during any season, and […] Read more…

Jessica's Secret

Jessica’s Secret

There’s a very distinct Disneyland experience to be had in Mickey’s Toontown. Sure, in Fantasyland you can meet tons of characters, but in Toontown, you get to snoop through their houses. You have uninterrupted access to Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, and Chip & Dale’s homes. Mickey and Minnie’s houses offer particularly revealing tours, where you […] Read more…

Little Details: Mickey’s Toontown

Mickey’s Toontown became famous for its gags; little interactive features, jokes, and activities embedded throughout the land. Every piece of the land, from its major attraction (Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin) to the stones in the pavement serve a purpose, with tons of pranks and jokes to entertain visitors of all ages. To truly experience […] Read more…

Lands After Dark: Mickey’s Toontown

Mickey’s Toontown never earns the title of “Most Visited Land”. And that’s especially true after the sun goes down. In the evenings, Toontown becomes a quiet, peaceful spot at the park, with lots of places to sit down and rest your feet. The street lamps light up the town square, and you can sit and […] Read more…

Safe Company

Safe Company

Take a stroll through Mickey’s Toontown, and you’ll come across tons of little shops and storefronts. As you exit Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin, take a right into the alleyway and you’ll arrive right in downtown Toontown, home to most of these unusual shops. The power plant, town gym, camera shop, and many other little […] Read more…

Lands In Pictures: Mickey's Toontown

Lands In Pictures: Mickey’s Toontown

Mickey’s Toontown has the reputation of being a “little kid” land. So many guests completely skip this section of the park, thinking they have nothing to see or do. Which is such a shame! Aside from the land’s exciting Car Toon Spin, this land has some beautiful spaces to explore. Visit Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, […] Read more…

Goofy's Garden

Goofy’s Garden

Mickey’s Toontown may be a busy city center, but a few residents still manage to have beautiful yards. Goofy, in particular, has a small playground on the side of his house. En route to the playground, observant visitors will spot a raised bed poking out of the shade. You’ve stumbled into Goofy’s Garden! Goofy grows […] Read more…

Gas Station

Goofy’s Gas Station

UPDATE: As of March 2023, this hidden gem has been transformed into Good Boy! Grocers. Below is the original post from when this hidden gem was still available in the park. Toontown is Disneyland’s busiest neighborhood. With character meet & greets, houses to explore, and musical fountains to interact with, there’s no shortage of things […] Read more…

Talking Crates

Talking Crates

Mickey’s Toontown may be one of the smaller lands in Disneyland, but that doesn’t mean it has any less magic. Every time you turn the corner in Toontown, you’re bound to discover some kind of secret or hidden gag. Some of the most popular gags require a little effort, like pushing a button or pulling […] Read more…

Minnie's House

Minnie’s House

January 1993 – present LOCATION Mickey’s Toontown – Guests looking to visit Minnie can find her home in the center of Mickey’s Toontown. After heading under the bridge and onto the main plaza, turn left and follow the main road. You’ll find Minnie’s House on your right, just before Mickey’s House. BACKGROUND Like her friends, […] Read more…

Toontown Mailboxes

Toontown Mailboxes

If you’ve ever taken the time to explore Mickey’s Toontown, you know this land is loaded with interactive gags and hidden gems. Perhaps the noisiest hidden gem in the park is tucked within Toontown’s post office, which sits to the right of Toontown City Hall. Walk into the post office and look at the front […] Read more…

Fireworks Factory

Fireworks Factory

If you’ve ever explored Mickey’s Toontown, you know this land is loaded with gags and cool visual effects, many of which are interactive. One of these hidden gems is somewhat difficult to set off, so many guests never get to see it. Next to the entrance to Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin, you’ll notice a […] Read more…

Musical Sewer Covers

Musical Sewer Covers

Mickey’s Toontown is by far the most interactive land in the park, and almost every building has some sort of feature with a gag, visual trick, or a mini activity. But did you know there’s a hidden gem tucked underfoot, and many guests step right over it without even noticing? Toontown has a series of […] Read more…

Firehouse Dalmatian

Firehouse Dalmatian

Mickey’s Toontown is loaded with tons of gags, visual tricks, and hidden gems, making it by far the most interactive land in the park. But one of these features, tucked away in a second story window, goes unnoticed by most guests exploring Toontown. To find this hidden gem, stop in front of the fire station. […] Read more…

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