A few weeks ago, my mom spotted an unusual magazine in the grocery store checkout line. She brought it home, and told me I had to read it. It was a special edition of LIFE Magazine: LIFE Inside the Disney Parks!

LIFE Inside the Disney Parks


LIFE Inside the Disney Parks explores the origins of the happiest place(s) on earth. Starting with Walt’s early career and vision for Disneyland, the magazine features rare photos and little stories about both Walt and his magical park (including rare photos of Disneyland construction!). LIFE then moves from Disneyland to Disney World and international parks, and even explores the growth of the Disney parks after Walt’s death.


I really enjoyed reading this special edition of LIFE. The magazine does a great job of connecting Walt’s studios projects and successes to the parks, providing important context that sometimes gets left out of Disneyland history stories. LIFE also includes some amazing photos I’d never seen before!

If you have any interest in Disney parks history, this magazine is a must-read. I think it’s going to be a permanent addition to my coffee table.

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