I don’t know about you, but I’ve been hearing there are a lot of interesting things going on at the Worldwide Engineering Brigade (WEB). They’re having an open house today at their Avengers Campus location…should we stop by?

WEB SLINGERS: A Spider-Man Adventure

Our tour of the facility starts in the courtyard. This whole building houses a program funded by Tony Stark, meant to bring the world’s youngest engineers together to develop new technologies.

Queue Closeup: WEB Slingers

This whole building was originally a plant for Stark Motors in the 50s. You can see a few spots where Tony & team repurposed the remnants of the previous occupant, like in this odd looking tower.

I guess it’s fitting for a building nicknamed “WEB”, but why are there cobwebs everywhere? I wonder if Spider-Man has been around here recently.

And now we’re in the lab! One of the engineers, Peter Parker, will show us his latest robotics project. I hope we get to see one of his bots up close.

WEB Slingers

Well, that didn’t go as expected. Time to rush into one of the experimental vehicles to help Peter Parker catch his loose spider bots!

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