What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of New Orleans Square? You probably go straight to Pirates and the Haunted Mansion. For me, it’s actually the little streets. I just love walking up and down Royal Street, Orleans Street, and winding my way back to the train station. The balconies have hanging laundry and potted plants, and you can hear sounds of bustling residents. Imagineers gave this land so much detail and attention, and it’s easy to miss most of it racing from ride to ride. So here are a few of my favorite photos from the areas beyond the two main attractions. I hope they inspire you to do a little more exploring on your next trip!

Unusual Angles: New Orleans Square

Unusual Angles: New Orleans Square

Unusual Angles: New Orleans Square

4 Comments on Unusual Angles: New Orleans Square

  1. LOVING these photos! New Orleans Square is my favorite land. I often would find myself just sitting there with friends to enjoy the sights and sounds.


  2. If the queues are too long at Pirates or Mansion, I just enjoy the vibe of NOS, and hopefully score a table at the Blue Bayou Restaurant. This part of the park has some of the best atmosphere and most attractive architecture in Disneyland.

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