This year, Disneyland did something it has not done before – announce all festival/event dates for the full year. That means we know earlier than usual what to expect for the first festival of the year – the Lunar New Year Celebration. This year’s celebration runs from January 23 – February 13, marking the year of the dragon. All park guests are welcome, no additional ticket required.
Source: Disneyland Resort
For those who may not know, cultures that use a lunisolar calendar mark the new year some time between January and February. Specifically, the California Adventure celebration pays tribute to Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean traditions through either performances, entertainment, or speciality dishes available from pop up vendors. You’ll find the celebration primarily in San Fransokyo Square and Paradise Gardens Park. The party includes:
- Mulan’s Lunar New Year Procession – a daily parade featuring Mulan and Mushu
- Character meet and greets – visit Mickey, Minnie, Mulan, and Mushu in Paradise Gardens, and Raya in the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail
- Lucky Wishing Wall – a place to make a wish and leave a message for the new year
- Craft and activity tables
- Shops in the area offering exclusive Lunar New Year merchandise
- Special performers including drummers and dancers
- Themed decor, including ornamental lanterns, strung lights, red and gold banners, and more!
For more information about this year’s specific offerings, food options, and sip & saver passes, check out the official event page here.