It’s a beautiful day in Toontown – and we’ve got tickets to the hottest show in town. Let’s head over to the El Capitoon Theater!

Runaway Railway

Luckily for us, the Toontown Hysterical Society is putting on an exhibition inside the theater. We’ll be able to see props, sets, and costumes from nearly a hundred years of Mickey’s movies.

My personal favorite might be his costume from Fantasia, which in my opinion is one of the most underrated Disney projects.

As we make our way down the halls toward the theater, we’ll see even more props…along with a magic beanstalk, which seems to be growing out of control.

You’ll find exhibits here from different eras, including a disco scene, the desk from Mickey’s Christmas Carol, and the helm from Steamboat Willie.

There’s even an exhibit for Potatoland, an animation marking Mickey’s 85th birthday.

We’re making our way into the heart of the building. But before we sit down, is anyone hungry?

Despite the swanky exterior, the concessions area is a little messy. And I’m not sure I want to try “butter” on my popcorn.

Here we are! Time for our showing. Let’s sit back, relax, and enjoy a super relaxing film that definitely won’t lead us into any wacky adventures…

Runaway Railway

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