One of my favorite attractions in Fantasyland is Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. I just love the hand painted sets, ridiculous storyline, and of course…taking a tour of the majestic Toad Hall. Shall we take a motorcar ride to nowhere in particular? Let’s go.

Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

Our tour of Toad Hall starts in the garden. Here, we’ll find some shade beneath the willow tree. I also love checking out the plaques dedicated to each of Toad’s dearest friends.

Queue Closeup: Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

The garden is nestled next to the Mad Hatter. The Hatter’s shop is a Tudor-style building with a thatched roof – which helps create the illusion that we are now in the English countryside.

It’s time to head into Toad Hall. Don’t forget to check out Mr. Toad’s coat of arms. The latin reads: “Toadi Acceleratio Semper Absurda”, which means “a speeding toad is always absurd”.

Inside Toad Hall, Mr. Toad has gone all out. The woodwork, elaborate wallpaper, and painted murals all show off Mr. Toad’s style and flair for the dramatic.

The motorcars are here! Time for a ride. Though knowing Mr. Toad, I can’t imagine our trip to nowhere in particular is going to go smoothly.

Queue Closeup: Mr. Toad's Wild Ride

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