If you’ve ever browsed any online Disney forums, you’re bound to have encountered a mysterious rumored park: the Dark Kingdom. This park, almost always proposed as a 5th Disney World gate (and once in a blue moon, a 3rd Disneyland or Disneyland Paris gate), would be an villain-centric park. I’ve seen threads related to the Dark Kingdom on dozens of forums, and none ever trace back to any actual source. Basically, fans invented it.

But even operating under the assumption that this is not a real Disney project, the concept itself is still interesting enough to fuel rumors and draw interest. I’ve seen speculation that the park’s center point could be Maleficent’s Lair. There are threads claiming the park would have included dark twists on every type of attraction, from a flume ride like Splash Mountain to a twisted set of teacups. I’ve definitely thought of some attractions I’d want to visit:

  • a dark ride exploring Maleficent’s lair
  • a roller coaster racing through the underworld with Hades and the Shadow Man
  • Yzma & Kronk’s roller coaster…how is this not already a thing?!

The Dark Kingdom Source: Dailybreak

However, I think this concept makes less and less sense the more you think about it. These villains come from different stories and worlds. Would each villain have their own “land”? And if so, is one character enough to sustain an entire theme? And let’s say you figure out a cohesive flow to lands and attractions. How would Disney balance this park so it’s still dark and exciting, without being too terrifying for kids?

I completely understand why people want this project to be real. Villains rarely appear in the parks outside of Halloweentime, and it would be a breath of fresh air to have a whole park steering away from Disney’s bright and cheerful brand. But if anyone tells you this project almost happened, now you know they were browsing forums! This concept never began development, never had an announcement…honestly, probably never existed outside of the collective imaginations of fans.

But it is fun to imagine, isn’t it?

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